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Featured Inventing Tips

Start Searching for Your Invention Ideas

I hear people tell me that they have so many great ideas! Well.. What are you doing with them? You need to get started’s 2015!
Make a list and prioritize them by industry, then think about your audience- is it for everyone (be realistic with answering this) or is it specific for certain people?
This will give you a gauge if its a DRTV(direct response TV) product or a more specific industry. Then think about if it should be in a mass retailer or a specialty store or catalog?Read More »Start Searching for Your Invention Ideas

Did You Start on Your Invention Idea?

So, how did it go? I’m checking in with you to see how your invention is coming along after getting you started from my last post and preparing your invention by doing a basic search.

Now let’s focus this week on your next step..

Did you find your big idea out there already? Are you moving on and waiting for your next idea to hit you? It hurts for a little while and thenRead More »Did You Start on Your Invention Idea?

Start Working on Your Big Idea Now!

You think you have the next big idea and you have done nothing yet? Well, I know you’ve been busy – Prepare what you want to get accomplished! Some quick tips to get you started on your idea and then I will check back with you soon…

Write down, text, leave yourself a voice message describing your idea. (2 minutes)
Draw what you envision your idea to look like- think about how it would be made, Read More »Start Working on Your Big Idea Now!

US Patent & Trademark Office Inventors Assistance Center (Free Resource)

For those of you looking for more information about intellectual property information on patents and trademarks, you should definitely visit the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) .

They have great resources there to get invention help to protect your ideas.Here is one that you should keep as a reference throughout the inventing process.Read More »US Patent & Trademark Office Inventors Assistance Center (Free Resource)

Next Steps to Launching your Invention Idea- Quick Inventing Tips

An Inventor called me and we discussed her product that is fully developed, is a great idea and at a crossroad on what to do next. She has a full time job, has limited cash and wants to manufacture her product on her own. We discussed her options and spoke about starting slow, maybe reaching out to catalogs, building a website and generate some online sales and build a track record and at the same timeRead More »Next Steps to Launching your Invention Idea- Quick Inventing Tips

When You Come Up With an Invention Idea- 10 Quick Steps

1. Starts with an idea in your head, on a napkin, text, email or leave yourself a voice message to capture your idea before it disappears!
2. Attempt for intellectual property protection, including provisional, design, non provisional or utility patent and/or trademark.
3. Bringing your product to life-computer drawings (CAD), identify materials needed and make a prototype.
4. Licensing-preparing for licensees and representation
5.Manufacturing-preparing for production Read More »When You Come Up With an Invention Idea- 10 Quick Steps

My Invention of Got Invention Radio 5 Years ago….

After being involved in a local inventors club, then starting my own through my county government office, and writing my book, I realized that I wanted to continue getting the message out more frequently to help inventors keep moving their ideas forward, so I invented a radio show Got Invention Radio in November 2009. It started off as a weekly online show where I interview resources for inventors and successful inventors for an hour.Read More »My Invention of Got Invention Radio 5 Years ago….

Brian Fried Quick Tips – NDA’s Confidentiality Protect Your Ideas

Originally posted on Inventing Tips:

Brian Fried Quick Tips NDA’s, Non Disclosure Agreements or confidentiality agreements are typically used to put people on notice that you are revealing personal information about the idea you list within the NDA and is understood that you cannot talk about what was just shared verbally or in writing or through any exchange forRead More »Brian Fried Quick Tips – NDA’s Confidentiality Protect Your Ideas