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Develop your invention

Great Invention Idea

An Inventor Profile

Are you already an inventor or do you want to be an inventor?

What does an inventor act or think like?

When you call yourself an inventor, it can take on a whole new meaning to your life. You can live up to the title by being aware of how things work in deeper detail and this thought process can become second nature to you. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, here is the definition of an inventor, “to create or produce (something useful) for the first time”. As any successful inventor will tell you, the research you do before you. Read More »An Inventor Profile


Who to Trust with Your Idea or Invention

You have been keeping your idea or many of your ideas a secret all this time and now ready to bring them to reality.

This may require you to search for outside help, which means that you will have to reveal what you are working on or thinking of at some point. So how can you protect yourself and your idea from getting ripped off? Let’s see who you might need involved and how to take certain measures to keep your idea confidential with others.Read More »Who to Trust with Your Idea or Invention

Finding a Manufacturer for Your Invention

You brought your invention idea through the beginning steps of the process, preformed a patent search and now exploring various options of bringing your invention to market.

You could license your idea to a manufacturer with distribution which requires minimal risk and pays you a royalty or you may decide to go into business for yourself by manufacturing your product and taking a larger risk with potentially a greater return.Read More »Finding a Manufacturer for Your Invention

patent an idea

Different Types of Patents To Protect Your Invention

Want to Patent an Idea?

Coming up with an idea leads to several steps and decisions that may need to be made to protect it. You will want to talk about your invention idea to your family, friends, co-workers, potential partners or investors to share in your excitement. During this part of the invention process you may want to discuss confidential information with others and need to have peace of mind to do so. Below are ways to protect your idea and also work towards receiving an issued patent. If you decide to file any form of intellectual property, it is suggested to conduct a patent search first.Read More »Different Types of Patents To Protect Your Invention