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How to Bring Your Invention Idea to Market with No Money


If you have a brilliant invention ideas concept but lack financial resources, there’s still a path to success! Brian Fried, an experienced inventor and consultant, offers a wealth of free resources and guidance to help you navigate the process strategically.

Brian Fried’s Free Inventor Resources

Expand your inventor toolkit with these resources from Brian Fried, known as “The Inventor Coach”:

  • Books: Gain practical strategies tailored for inventors with limited means by exploring Brian’s collection of books (
  • YouTube Channel: Find inspiration, tips, and answers to common inventor questions on Brian’s dedicated YouTube channel (
  • National Inventor Club Livestreams: Join a supportive community of inventors through interactive livestreams ( Ask questions, share ideas, and get the support you need.
  • InventorSmart Community App: Download the InventorSmart app ( for networking, collaboration, and resources designed specifically for inventors working with limited funds.
  • Articles and Interviews: Benefit from Brian’s insights and expertise through his articles and interviews (

Brian’s commitment to inventor support includes his willingness to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). This provides peace of mind, allowing you to discuss your invention confidentially and receive valuable feedback. Here is a free NDA for you to use:

About Brian Fried

Brian Fried is a highly accomplished innovator, author, speaker, and invention licensing agent with over 18 years of experience. He boasts 15 patents and has successfully licensed and manufactured his inventions, gaining recognition through QVC, infomercials, catalogs, and major retailers. Brian is the founder of the National Inventor Club and creator of the InventorSmart Community App, providing platforms for collaboration and support. His expertise and dedication to empowering inventors are evident in his books, talks, and extensive resources.

Additional Free Resources for Inventors

  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO): Learn about intellectual property protection through the USPTO’s educational resources (
  • Small Business Administration (SBA): Access business planning tools, local support networks, and other resources for small businesses and entrepreneurs through the SBA (
  • SCORE and Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs): Find free mentoring, workshops, and guidance through SCORE ( and SBDCs (
  • Google Patents: Conduct preliminary searches of existing patents to understand the competitive landscape and potential conflicts (

Expert Tips to Turn Your Idea into Reality

  • Embrace Simplicity: Create a clear and easy-to-understand invention. Use accessible materials for early prototypes.
  • Network and Collaborate: Connect with other inventors, mentors, and potential partners within the industry.
  • Protect Your Idea: Take steps to safeguard your invention. Consider filing a provisional patent application to claim patent pending status.
  • Explore Licensing and Open Innovation: Licensing to established companies can be a cost-effective path to market. Research open innovation platforms where companies actively seek new product ideas.

Detailed Breakdown for Success:

  • Market Research: Understand your target market, identify competitors, and leverage free tools like Google Trends, social media analysis, and survey platforms. Reach out to niche communities, tap into libraries, and online forums for insights.
  • Prototyping: Start with DIY methods using household materials or basic prototyping software. Seek feedback from friends and family. Consider outsourcing for affordable prototyping services or when professional help is essential for complex inventions.
  • Funding Options (Even with No Money): Explore crowdfunding platforms, understand their pros and cons, and tailor your campaign to inventions. Research grants (if eligible), and consider creative bootstrapping strategies like pre-selling and bartering services.
  • Develop a Prototype and Adopt a Lean Approach: Build a basic prototype of your invention to demonstrate its functionality and gather feedback. This helps validate your idea and guide further development.
  • Perseverance and Adaptability: View challenges as learning opportunities. Be prepared to pivot your approach as you learn and grow throughout the invention process.

Success Story: From Idea to Market

Sara, a stay-at-home mom with a knack for problem-solving, observed a recurring frustration in her kitchen. Determined to find a solution, she utilized Brian’s resources and the InventorSmart community to develop a clever kitchen gadget. After creating a strong prototype and carefully researching the housewares market, Sara initiated contact with potential licensing partners. Her persistence paid off, and she successfully licensed her invention to a leading kitchenware company. Now, her innovation simplifies tasks for home cooks everywhere, and she earns royalties without shouldering manufacturing or marketing costs.

Overcoming “What If…” Scenarios

  • What if I can’t afford a full patent?  Explore provisional patents, focus on getting your product to market quickly, or consider limited protection strategies.
  • What if I’m not good at marketing? Highlight the appeal of licensing, seek potential co-founders, or learn affordable marketing tactics.

Call to Action

Don’t let financial constraints stifle your creativity! Access Brian’s free invention help and advice at or Join the vibrant InventorSmart Community app, for support, collaboration, and inspiration. Keep moving forward with your big ideas!

I wish you all the best with your big ideas!

Inventor Coach Brian Fried